Daily News Wire Services
The county Board of Supervisors on Tuesday offered a $10,000 reward for tips leading to a South Los Angeles woman who was arrested in Malibu and disappeared after being released about 1:25 a.m. You know they are worried about liability if they are offering a reward. The LA Board of Supervisors isn't known for that kind of generosity.
Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas asked for the reward in the case of 24- year-old Mitrice Richardson, a Cal State Fullerton graduate missing since Sept. 17. "Every minute counts in our effort to safely reunite Ms. Richardson with her family," Ridley-Thomas said.
Richardson was arrested at Geoffrey's restaurant on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu Sept. 17, when she was unable to pay an $89 bill, according to sheriff's deputies...The car was impounded.
...Restaurant owner Jeff Peterson told the Times that Richardson had no funds, [that he was unable to take her grandmothers credit info over the phone,] and that Mitrice was saying she was from Mars and talking in a made-up language. He said she also told a valet that she was there to avenge Michael Jackson's death.
...A search turned up no new clues this past weekend. Richardson had no transportation, cell phone or purse when she was released. Where were her purse and cell phone? Was she booked as Jane Doe? How did Sheriff's officers verify who she was? Is this how alias' are created?
...Richardson is black, about 5 feet 5 inches and 135 pounds, with brown, curly hair and hazel eyes; she was last seen in a dark shirt and blue jeans, and has tattoos on her lower abdomen and the back of her neck.
There is SO MUCH wrong here. None of it really seems to add up.
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