Date Missing: 10/19/2009
Missing From: Orange Park, FL
County: CLAY
Birth Date: 4/5/2002
Age Disappeared: 7 yrs 6 months
Height: 3' 07"
Race: White
Hair: Brown
Weight: 065
Sex: Female
Eyes: Brown
Narrative: A Florida AMBER Alert has been issued for Somer Thompson. She was last seen in the area of West Gano Avenue and Debarry Avenue in Orange Park.
She was last seen wearing a black shirt under a cranberry colored sweat suit with pink stripes running down the arms and legs. She possibly has a red bow in her hair and may have been wearing a white hat and a white scarf.
The phone number of Clay County Sheriff's Office has been updated to 1-877-227-6911
If you have any information concerning the whereabouts of this endangered person, please contact the Clay County Sheriff's Office at 1-877-277-6911 or 911
Massive Search Continues For 7-Year-Old
Abduction Attempted 10 Days Ago
It was reported yesterday, October 20, that Somer had been walking home from school on Monday with her twin brother and older sister, when Somer decided to go ahead of the others. When they arrived at their home, Somer was nowhere to be found. They phoned their mother at work, who came home and the police were notified about 5:00pm on Monday.
It had been report one week before that a woman and two men in a blue Nissan sedan had attempted to get another little girl into their car. She was on her bicycle when the woman driving told her that the child's mother had sent her to pick her up. A driver in another car stopped and interceded, asking the girl if she knew those people and when she said no, the car sped off. It' unknown whether the incident is related to Somer Thompson's disappearance, but seems likely.
The Prairie Chicken
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