Right: Mitrice Richardson
The Prairie Chicken
October 2, 2009
1. What SHOES did Mitrice have on that night? It may sound like a weird question, but she looks like a stylish young woman who would probably wear heels with her jeans.
2. How far could she get down the canyon on a narrow two lane road in the dark in high heels?
3. Where were her purse, wallet, ID, cell phone, etc?
4. In the impounded car? if so, why would they leave it in the car when they transported her to the sub-station?
5. When arrested in Malibu, are people normally separated from their id and personal items?
6. How did it come about that the Sheriff's deputies searched her car? There was Valet parking, so someone had made the call to the valet to bring it around. Was it the manager who was afraid for her safety behind the wheel or the deputy who was going to arrest her for non-payment?
7. Why would she consent to a search if she knew there was pot in the car, and she was going to jail as it was? It would have been cheaper to leave her car there and pay for the parking when she came back to pay the bill. You'd think.
8. How could she have claimed her car later with no ID?
9. Who was working the Sheriffs office that night? Need a list of every person.
10. Why hasn’t the Sheriff’s office investigated the two calls they allowed Mitrice to make at the station? Was she held to the two call rule?
11. Did she want to make other calls but was refused? I ask because they make this two-phone-call point in several investigative updates.
12. Why does the Sheriff’s office give conflicting stories?
A. They let her go because they had no room to keep her.
B. They had no reason to hold her and she was an adult.
C. She was offered an unlocked cell to sleep in.
D. She was offered the lobby couch to sleep on.
13. When the call came in at 6:30am about the woman sleeping on the porch in Monte Nido, who was the responding officer?

Left: a typical neighborhood in the Monte Nido area, where Mitrice tried to rest.
14. Were there really "calls" from nearby "residents" who reported a woman stumbling around the neighborhood on Friday morning?
15. What shift hours do the officers at the Sheriffs department work?
The Prairie Chicken
October 2, 2009
1. What SHOES did Mitrice have on that night? It may sound like a weird question, but she looks like a stylish young woman who would probably wear heels with her jeans.
2. How far could she get down the canyon on a narrow two lane road in the dark in high heels?
3. Where were her purse, wallet, ID, cell phone, etc?
4. In the impounded car? if so, why would they leave it in the car when they transported her to the sub-station?
5. When arrested in Malibu, are people normally separated from their id and personal items?
6. How did it come about that the Sheriff's deputies searched her car? There was Valet parking, so someone had made the call to the valet to bring it around. Was it the manager who was afraid for her safety behind the wheel or the deputy who was going to arrest her for non-payment?
7. Why would she consent to a search if she knew there was pot in the car, and she was going to jail as it was? It would have been cheaper to leave her car there and pay for the parking when she came back to pay the bill. You'd think.
8. How could she have claimed her car later with no ID?
9. Who was working the Sheriffs office that night? Need a list of every person.
10. Why hasn’t the Sheriff’s office investigated the two calls they allowed Mitrice to make at the station? Was she held to the two call rule?
11. Did she want to make other calls but was refused? I ask because they make this two-phone-call point in several investigative updates.
12. Why does the Sheriff’s office give conflicting stories?
A. They let her go because they had no room to keep her.
B. They had no reason to hold her and she was an adult.
C. She was offered an unlocked cell to sleep in.
D. She was offered the lobby couch to sleep on.
13. When the call came in at 6:30am about the woman sleeping on the porch in Monte Nido, who was the responding officer?

Left: a typical neighborhood in the Monte Nido area, where Mitrice tried to rest.
14. Were there really "calls" from nearby "residents" who reported a woman stumbling around the neighborhood on Friday morning?
15. What shift hours do the officers at the Sheriffs department work?
16. Where is the video from inside or outside the Sheriff’s office that night? Why would the Sheriff’s Office camera’s not be functional?
17. Why won't the sheriff's office give a copy of her arrest record to the family? They say its because she is an adult. But if she is missing and single, who else would they be open with?
18. Adults report adult family members missing all the time--are Sheriff Office processes always inaccessible to any one except for the missing person? Would that even make sense?
19. Why haven’t the Sheriff’s Office or LAPD retrieved the surveillance tape from the restaurant, which Jeff Peterson says IS available?
20. Again, why would the Sheriff’s Office camera’s not be functional? That sounds like bullcrap.
21. Why would the LACSO point out that there were convenience stores a mile away, when they are clearly (by Google Earth) in the opposite direction of where she supposedly walked, down the canyon?
22. When did LAPD link the missing person report with the LACSO incident involving Richardson?
23. Did they ever? Was it the family that put this together?

Several possibilities come to mind. Since I am an admitted crime junkie, my first thought is foul play.
Some psycho or sicko just crossed paths with an impaired victim. This doesn't seem likely because of the remoteness of the area. There are many more potential victims in the city.
My next theory will not be popular with law enforcement. It's possible that a person who interacted or observed her at the Sheriff's office picked her up after their shift. She would probably accept a ride from someone from there who she had seen and was familiar with. That person would also know she had no id, money or cell phone on her.
Check out the photo at above right. Imagine walking down road like that and worse, in the dark and in the middle of the night. Add to that the fact that in at least two areas the road cuts a tunnel through the mountain.
The Monte Nido area, where Matrice is reported to have stopped to rest occupies its own valley off of Malibu Canyon Rd. There is a traffic light at the intersection of Malibu Canyon Rd and Piuma Road. By the time she got to the light, she would have walked through a section of Malibu State Park. At 6:30am, she would have been walking for five hours.
Did, in fact, Janette Goeglein see Mitrice back on Malibu Canyon Rd at 7:30am?
Could Mitrice have been hit by a car and knocked into the canyon? The sunrise could have caused a glare--someone did not see her in time? In some places along that road it would be impossible to see from the road. You certainly couldn't from the road just driving in a car.
I'd like to see the Sheriff's office and Malibu PD walk that entire road slowly searching the drop-offs all the way down.
Sorry to rant and ramble. Just have all these questions...
It's funny that you ask all these questions, because they are exactly the same things I've been wanting to know, but they always circle around the same questions on Jane Valez Mitchell's HLN news show, and they don't like to branch out.
On one hand, I think the family's attorney is over reaching in some of his theories, and in most cases, he's kind of an alarmist. But on the other, I feel like the police are omitting SOMETHING from their story, whatever it is, as is Geoffrey's. I don't believe the owner's story that her mother refused to pick her up because she needed to be taught a lesson. Her mother certainly doesn't strike as that type. That's just as crazy as the family's attorney crying conspiracy every 5 seconds. Police surveillance not working? Come on. And what reason would they have to search her car? All they had to do was arrest her and tell her to come back and get it later. There was no need for that.
And last, it is possible she took something on her own that was laced with something, and got lost. Two kids died in aa blizzard after taking PCP I think, and they just left their car and got lost, freezing to death. Who's to say Matrice didn't just fall off a cliff?
"I don't believe the owner's story that her mother refused to pick her up because she needed to be taught a lesson. Her mother certainly doesn't strike as that type."
Thanks Matthew--I had not heard that, and it contradicts what the Sheriffs office said--that her mother was on the phone to them while she was still enroute, wanting to know when she could come to get her.
I can not imagine how desparate her mother must have been--still is--for her to vanish like this. Thanks for your post.
They searched her car because the police are jerks. Any way to inconvenience somebody and get an impound fee.
The thoughts above about the sheriffs shifts and the alledged person picking her up who she had possibly seen at the sheriffs station is an interesting scenario. I will never eat at Geoffreys ever again. I alledge Geoffreys restaurant is the first to blame for this missing girl. Oprah Winfrey in the 1980's conducted a lunch interview wih Tom Selleck,Ted Danson and Steve Guttenberg at Geoffreys to talk about the movie 3 Men And A Baby. What if Oprah couldn't pay for her bill? Would the restaraunt management have called the police and say "Oprah can't pay her bill, drag her , Ted, Tom and Steve, to the Agoura Hills police station and book 'em for trying to get out of their bill for free" Would the sheriffs have held them all until the late hours and then release them out the criminal doorstep without their wallets, cell phones, makeup or Gucci accessories? I wonder if the authorities would have sent Oprah and her interviewees toddling about at 1:30am to walk unawares around the area that Mitrice did. SHAME ON YOU GEOFFREYS.You allegedly had a girls life ruined over $89.00! It started with you. Your waitstaff and bartenders alleged inplants cost 20 times that much. You all made a major Malibu-boo! So called Malibu colonists and other beach bumbs are beginning to refer to a certain restaraunt in Malibu as GOOFREY's as their alleged error has brought a hot media spotight on Malibu and now the world knows what a hateful town Malibu allegedly really is. Gone are the days of Gidget and Moondoggie and the friendly beach towns of the Southern California coast which have been replaced by tanned and withered botoxed phonies whose only contributions to society is keeping the plastic surgery elite appointment books full. My thoughts and prayers are with Mitrice and her family and I hope she is safely found. I am sure there are many people throughout the world that would have offered to pay this womans bill so that this would not have happend. With a restaraunt full of wealth why wouldn't one of these people exhibit Christian charity and pay for her bill? $89.00 is nothing! makes you ownder doesn't it? When Mitrice is found safe and sound there are many people who will offer to drive her to Geoffrey's so that she can spit out her thoughts loudly at the restaraunt management for this disservice to her and her family and on behalf of all of us who are part of the world family. If they really cared why wouldn't they have been proactive about calling her family and saying "Sorry we had to call the police. Your daughter was acting in a manner that we felt could have threatened her life or others. We will send one of our useless waiters to follow the sheriffs to the station to ensure she is okay and wait there until you all arive to pick her up. We are so sorry we had to call the Malibu Police and apologize". No they didn't do this. Why? Because they are alledgedly a reflection of what an ugly place Malibu has become. Maybe one day a big ocean wave will come and simply remove those Malibu creatures (and Geoffrey's alledged uncomfortable outdoor seating sets and old heat lamps)into the ocean and cleanse those that are responsible for Mitrice's disappearance as they become missing themselves. Malibu-boo!
Malibu police ar scary. Years ago I was pulled over on Pacific Coast Highway for a presumed traffic violation by the Malibu Police. An elderly woman had cut me off and I had to go around her to avoid hitting her and creating an accident. The malibu Police Officers witnessed this, pulled us over and let the elderly Malibu resident go. Upon being pulled over by the two officers they asked me to get out of my car and the moment they found out I was from the San Fernando Valley and not Malibu they put me through the ringer with the most elaborate balance and mobility tests in the world. Mind you, I had nothing to drink that evening, yet they rudely ordered me around and conducted these following tests while barking at me: oh yeah, and the two of them traded off as they conducted their “hazing”: Recite the Alphabet a-z Recite the Alphabet z-a Hop on one foot and go forward Now Switch feet and hop in a circle until we say stop Put your hands behind your back, close your eyes and lean back Count forward using odd numbers and don’t stop until we tell you Close your eyes and point your chin to the sky keep you head back and do not move your feet at all Keep your eyes on the eraser of my pencil as I move it around and try to make you dizzy Walk backwards for 100 feet through rubble on PCH and don’t fall. What is 12X13? Upon passing all their mindless mobility tests. I was ordered back in my car and received a citation. As I was driving away from these Malibu redneck officers, I stopped at a stop light. They raced up behind me with their lights in full panic mode and pulled up next to me and they yelled angrily “Go back to the valley and stay out of Malibu!” At that time I was in my mid twenties, in college, drove a nice car, was dressed nicely, and was very respectful to these officers during the “hazing”. The reason why I bore you all with this story is that I can only imagine what the Malibu Police potentially/allegedly put this poor women of color through when they picked her up. Malibu aledgedly hates and despises all non-locals and this poor woman most likely could have received similar or worse treatment. Shame on Geoffreys for caling the police on a mere $89.00 charge. SHAME ON THEM!I had eaten there in the late 80’s and 90’s and the food was lackluster, overpriced and overrated and everyone had some type of attitude including the creepy valet who was pushing his script. OHHH I AM A SCREENWRITER. NO YOU ARE NOT, YOU ARE A CAR PARKING VALET. I had sent food back numerous times due to many indicators. IS THIS WHAT HAPPENED? SHE DIDN”T AGREE WITH THE BILL AS SHE POTENTIALLY SENT FOOD BACK? Maybe/alledgedly the food made her sick potentially the fontina cheese. Maybe it potentially was the cheese that made her ill. If this is indeed what she consumed that evening. Who KNOWS? GEOFFREY”S KNOWS!. WHAT COULD SHE HAVE HAD THAT WAS $89.00? Hey Geoffrey’s I ALLEDGE you are the ones to blame for this girls disappearance. Yes YOU! TAKE RESPONSIBILITY! If the young lady couldn’t pay her bill, and was acting weird why wouldn’t you un-talented nobody’s call her family to come pick her up!? Just ask for her license. Let her wash dishes or send her a bill in the mail! YOU DON”T CALL THE POLICE ON CUSTOMERS BECAUSE THEY CAN”T PAY THEIR BILL. SHAME ON YOU GEOFFREYS! When I ate at your “dive” your card reader was having problems reading credit cards. MAYBE THIS IS WHY YOU DIDN”T GET PAID because you were too cheap to get a good card reader system and this poor woman couldn’t pay because your card reader is as old as your stale menu and whispering waitstaff! Remind me not to go to you for help if I happen to be in the area and need it. THIS GIRL IS PROBABLY MISSING BECAUSE OF GEOFFREYS ALLEDGED INABILITY TO HANDLE THE SITUATION AT THEIR RESTARAUNT SHAME ON THEM!!SHAME ON GEOFFREY’S! I feel so badly for this poor woman and her family. Please pray for her safe retun home to her family and friends. I hope that the stupidity and ignorance and non caring of the people that had her arrested will be made known. SHAME ON THEM!!
the proper protocol if police arrest a woman who is suffering from severe mental distress is to take the woman/person to a hospital for a psych evaluation. the police are behind her dissappearance. a select few are responsible. and the truth will come out.
if what the resturaunt patrons said was true about her acting mentally ill, then the police would be saying the same thing. and if the police are saying that she acted like she was mentally unstable then a psych evaluation would have to be done. they don't just let people who mentally unsound go. someone or a couple or a group of someones are behind her dissappearance. the truth will come out.
Just a note. In the 60-page Inside investigate results it is noted that she was wearing "Van's" that night with socks, not heels as I had suspected. It was, however, brought to light by the civilian jailer that it was cold and Mitrice had on only t-shirt and jeans.
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