Stern, Eroshevich, Kapoor turn themselves in to LA Law Enforcement tonight. Each held on only $20,000 bond ($2,000) out of pocket.
Posted Mar 12th 2009 10:05PM by TMZ
TMZ has learned Howard K. Stern is turning himself in tonight -- he's being arrested on three felony counts for conspiracy and for allegedly illegally obtaining prescription drugs for Anna Nicole Smith.
California drug officials recently raided the Los Angeles office of Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, looking for evidence against Stern (see below). Stern has denied doing anything illegal in connection with drugs and Anna Nicole.
Posted Feb 5th 2009 by TMZ
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the doctor who prescribed Anna Nicole Smith methadone when she was 8 months pregnant has just had his office raided... and we've learned authorities are looking for a connection between the doc and Howard K. Stern.
The California Medical Board got a warrant to search Dr. Sandeep Kapoor's Studio City office this morning. Informed law enforcement sources tell us they are looking for prescriptions Kapoor may have written for Howard K. Stern.
We're told Medical Board officials want to know if Stern may have used Kapoor to score drugs for Anna -- something Stern has vehemently denied. The California Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, has been conducting an investigation into Kapoor since 2007.
He has also been under investigation by the Medical Board for his prescription practices. Thirteen days before Smith gave birth to Dannielynn he wrote a methadone prescription for her under an alias, Michelle Chase. Under California law, it's illegal to prescribe a controlled substance under a false name.
The raid was conducted by the DEA on behalf of the Medical Board. DEA officials took files and other documents.
Howard K. Stern just released this statement to TMZ: "Dr. Kapoor never prescribed Anna Nicole medication in my name -- and that is what the Medical Board will find out."
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