Family Requesting To Mourn Caylee With Casey
wesh.comMarch 30, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- George, Cindy and Lee may soon visit Casey Anthony in jail...
George and Cindy Anthony asked permission to gather with their daughter to hold a family requiem of sorts for Caylee.
A source close to the family told WESH 2 News the wheels are in motion for that meeting, so the family can mourn Caylee together for a short time.
What's good for one is good for all. The jail has other people housed that murdered their children. Do they all get a private "mourning" session? It would be a dangerous precedent to set. Casey does not even try to eek out a tear anymore. She's the bell of the ball right now, however twisted that may be. She does not appear to need that type of support and since the permission is being requested by George and Cindy, they evidently need something from her. By now you would think they would see Casey has nothing to give but lies.
I think this is wrong. Why should the mother who killed her poor innocent little girl able to mourn her?? I am not understanding that... I hope like hell that she doesn't get this privilege. It would be a shame and a total injustice to little Caylee. To have her "mom" (the same woman who took her precious little life away) having any part in a memorial of any kind. Where was her "love" for her when she was murdering her?? Where was her sorrow when she was double bagging her like trash?? Why after doing something so horrific can she be aloud to celebrate her life in any way shape or form?? It makes absolutely no sense at all. I hope that request gets a BIG ol' DENY!!!
Why do these people think they are above the law & deserve this? It won't happen & I bet that's what Baex wanted the private meeting for, thinking the Judge will make it happen, I highly doubt it!!
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