Documents: Money Stolen To Buy Caylee's B-Day Cake
March 20, 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The State Attorney's Office released several documents Friday morning in the case against Casey Anthony, who turned 23 in jail on Thursday.
Casey Anthony held Caylee in her arms as Caylee blew out her candle shaped like the number two on her second birthday. In an interview on August 21, 2008 with Casey Anthony's grandmother, Shirley Plesea, it's revealed that Casey used money that she had stolen from her grandmother to buy the birthday cake and other party favors for Caylee's birthday celebration (read Plesea transcript).
Plesea is Cindy Anthony's mother and she told investigators during the August interview that, about a month after Casey's arrest, Casey had stolen $45,000 from her mother Cindy, possibly through taking out credit cards in Cindy's name and that Casey's father George also took out credit cards in Cindy's name.
Casey's grandmother Shirley also wondered aloud whether Casey hated her mother Cindy more than she loved her daughter Caylee.
Also among the documents released is the transcript of detectives interviewing the Anthonys' private investigator, Dominic Casey, who was recorded on video looking in the area where Caylee's remains were found one month later (read D. Casey transcript).
The sheriff's also released more crime scene reports and evidence forms as well as transcripts with a man whose wallet happened to be found in the remains area (read Timothy Monforte transcript) and a transcript of an interview with a friend who smoked marijuana with Casey.
Cameron Campina, who was friends with Casey, spoke with investigators on October 6, 2008 (read Campina transcript), and, among other things, told them he would supply marijuana and Zanax to friends. Casey would spend time with him, Campina told investigators, smoking marijuana at his apartment and she would cook food for him and her boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro.
"How was she when she smoked weed?" Orange County Sheriff's Office Detective Yuri Melich asked Campina during the interview.
"She seemed to like, almost like, I'm trying to think how to explain it. Like your first time, like almost the first time you ever smoked weed. Uh, she would, she'd get high off of very little. She'd always be laughing, smiling, you know, just having a good time. Just watching TV and movies, cooking, cooking food" Campina told investigators.
Investigators spoke to Charles Crittenden, a co-worker of Cindy Anthony at Gentiva Home Health, on November 24, 2008 (read Crittenden transcript). He told investigators that Cindy never mentioned any problems she was having regarding financial issues at home.
"As far as I knew everything was fine you know," he told investigators. Crittenden told investigators that Cindy was told by Casey that Caylee was in Tampa. "And you know some of the bizarre stories sounded really bizarre to us," he said, adding that he believed Cindy was accepting what Casey was telling her.
An investigative report among the documents released Friday (read cell records report) analyzes the cellular records of Casey Anthony and her boyfriend, Anthony Lazzaro, reveals a text message sent by Casey that reads, "There was definitely part of a dead animal plastered to the frame of my car." The investigative report comments that text "was believed to possibly be a pre-emptive explanation to the foul smell of decomposing tissue."
Twenty-three years ago Casey Anthony was born. But Thursday she sat in jail and had no birthday cake and no visitors, except her attorneys.
PARTY GIRL: Photos Of Casey With Friends
It wasn't even Jose Baez who visited her on her birthday Thursday. Instead, Jose Garcia spent most of the day with her and Gabriel Adam joined them for a few hours. Both left at 3:30pm.
On the dinner menu for Casey's birthday was smoked sausage, rice and vegetables and either a cake or cookie, but no candles and no party for the birthday girl, but her father did give her a big birthday present.
Casey Anthony held Caylee on her second birthday as she blew out her candles. Casey was 21. For her 23rd birthday, there will be no candles to blow out.
"This will be the lowest point in her life," WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer told Eyewitness News. Not having a birthday party is the lowest part of her life? With Casey, probably so...
Her 22nd birthday didn't seem so special either, but was riddled with dark thoughts. Investigators said, on St. Patrick's Day last year, she Googled "how to make Chloroform," "neck breaking," "shovel," "household weapons," and "self defense." Two days after her birthday, she researched household ingredients used to make chloroform, missing children's websites and Googled the 100th episode of the TV show One Tree Hill, where the plotline included a nanny kidnapping a toddler.
Investigators believe, at this time last year, she could've been hatching her plan to kill Caylee. Her mother had just refused to babysit Caylee while Casey wanted to vacation with friends in Puerto Rico...
Casey has been in jail since October, when she was arrested in connection with the disappearance
In the civil case against Casey Anthony, e-mails to a judge played a part in forcing Casey's parents to face questions under oath. The judge received e-mails from people who pointed out that George and Cindy Anthony went to Putnam County to search for Haleigh Cummings.
The Anthonys told the judge they had not made any public appearances since the discovery of Caylee's remains in December and were not emotionally ready to answer questions.
However, the Anthony's will have to answer questions on tape on April 9. A hearing on the issue was set for Wednesday afternoon, but was cancelled.
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