Antoinette Davis, Charged With Child Prostitution, Is Pregnant Again
Nov. 20, 2009
The father of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis told Oprah Winfrey today that the girl's mother trafficked the child to pay off a drug debt.
The allegation by Bradley Lockhart came a day after Mario Andrette O'Neill was charged with the rape and murder of Shaniya. O'Neill is the man police say is shown on a Sanford, N.C., hotel surveillance camera carrying Shaniya into a hotel room shortly after she was reported missing. He is being held without bond.
The girl's mother, Antoinette Davis, has been arrested and charged with child prostitution. Raleigh's ABC affiliate WTVD confirmed this week that Davis is again pregnant. Davis' other child, a 7-year-old boy, was removed from her home last week, Fayetteville Police spokeswoman Theresa Chance told ABCNews.com, and is now in foster care...
Preliminary autopsy reports indicate Shaniya died from asphyxiation, according to the Fayetteville Police Department, though authorities are still waiting on a series of tests results before making a final conclusion...
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how could somebody do this to an innocent child. this stort touched me as well as the others in the world that has heard about this story... she was soo innocent and just the most beautiful little gurl.. i give death wishes to the mother that would have the audasity to give up the child that was carried in the womb of her own,, give her up for anything in the world such as drugs.. may shaniya davis r.i.p and all prayers go out to the father that should not feel a bit of guilt and to the step brother that loved his little sister as his own..prayers to the people that have kids and especially little gurls... it is sad and sickening that some one would do this to a child... to the man in prison for this brutal tragedy of this little gurl may he ROT IN HELLL....!!!!!! I HOPE THAT THE MOTHER AND THE SICK MAN OF THIS EVENT THINK OF WHAT THEY DID AS A TAEM TO THIS LITTLE GURLL... THERE ARE SICK PEOPLE IN THE WORLD BUT NEVER SHOULD IT BE THIS SICKENING... AS WELL AS THE FATHER GOES... I HOPE YOU BE IN COURT IN THE FUTURE TO LET THESE SICK ASS PEOPLE KNOW HOW YOU FELL AND WHAT YOU ARE GOING THRU... THEY SHOYULD AND NEED TO HEAR IT.. THERE SHOULD BE A PICTURE OF THIS BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GURL IN EACH CELL SO THEY CAN SIT AND LOOK AND THINK ABOUT THE HURT THEY CAUSED LITTLE MISS SHANIYA AND THE HURT OF THE FAMILY THAT ACTUALLY CARED. MAY EVERY ONE THAT HAS BEEN TOUCHED TO THIS STORY KEEP THE DAVIS FAMILY AND THE FATHER IN THEIR PRAYERS.... SHE WILL BE TRULY MISSED EVEN BY ME...
omg..!the mother is pregnant again..how could she bring another child into this world knowing the hurt and pain caused to this little gurl in the act of what this sick man did to the first child of antinette ..she is dumb founded and if there is any suggestions or none at all i suggest highly that this child as well be taken from her with noo rights at all.. she is a person that doesent care about children let along her own... she does not deserve another blessing in this life tyme ever again.. i wish i could find out the address to write these nasty people of this tragedy and tell them how i thinnk and feel... disgusted and hurt i as well have a four yr old almost 5 and i cannot even bring a thought to my head to let something as nasty and hurtful happen to my little princess.. she is the world of my life and i adore her every second im around her... i hate selfish ass people that only think about themselves and the drug addiction that they may have. may this little girl haunt them for the rest of their life and i truly belive that they deserve to die and not spend life any where because this innocent child shaniya davis didnt get to explore life and be able to say that she loves life and will do anything to protect her own.. may these nasty people burn in hell
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