ORLANDO, Fla. -- The California bail bondsman who got Casey Anthony out of jail in August 2008 said he did not work for Anthony's attorney...
Attorney Jose Baez has argued that anything Anthony told Tony Padilla or his employees is protected by attorney-client privilege and therefore should not be used in her trial...
"As far as signing any paperwork to be part of the defense team, I never signed anything like that," Padilla said. "Jose was very adamant. He did not want any of us at all working for him."
Padilla's team, including his flamboyant uncle bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, spent nine days guarding Anthony and their $500,000 investment. Their testimony could help the state argue that Anthony was already emotionally detached from her missing daughter.
"At moments she seemed very concerned about her daughter being gone, but other times she wanted to create an upbeat and festive atmosphere," Padilla said...
Also read:
Wesh2 August 21, 2009: Lawyer: Remains Dumped While Anthony Was Jailed
Wesh2 August 20, 2009: Equusearch Head Turns Over Photos In Anthony Case
Wesh2 August 20, 2009: Equusearch Head Turns Over Photos In Anthony Case
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