by Melinda Rogers
January 7, 2010
The grisly discovery in the Pilot Valley area northwest of West Wendover, Nev., around noon spurred speculation, as Susan Powell's husband, Joshua Powell, reportedly went camping in western Utah with his two young boys the day she disappeared.
.Joshua Powell has said he and his boys left for Simpson Springs, in the west desert, around 12:30 a.m., while Susan remained at home. He is the only person of interest named by police in the case.
..."The [West Valley City Police Department] is doing a great job. The press is as anxious as we are to have Susan found, unfortunately due to time lines, competition, and the needs of those investigating to build a legal case, the press is forced to speculate," Cox wrote, around 6 p.m.
...We appreciate all of your prayers and support...
Meanwhile, plans for Joshua Powell's departure from West Valley City to his hometown of Puyallup, Wash., continued Thursday. Powell's brother, Michael Powell, has been spotted at the home and called West Valley City police Wednesday after Susan Powell's friend Tim Peterson arrived to retrieve a playground set he'd given to the family.
Peterson left the home after police officers asked him to.
Friends of Joshua Powell have said he plans to sell his home and was forced to leave Utah after losing his job in Utah. He plans to live with his father near Puyallup.
Larry Richman, a bishop in the Hunter 36th LDS Ward in West Valley City, which Joshua Powell attends, said several members of the ward will help Powell load a moving truck on Saturday...
"He is moving out on Saturday. There are some members of the ward who are going to help him move," Richman told The Salt Lake Tribune on Thursday.
She disappeared one month ago today. He has had precious little to say except for an outrageous story about snow camping with a two and four year old, leaving the house at 12:30am. After midnight. Smore's. Then he quickly retained an attorney.
And now, after one month, he's moving from their home Washington State.
Unfortunately, this reminds me of Stacy Peterson and Laci Peterson. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm afraid he's done something to his wife.
The difference between the Peterson ladies and this one, is that their husbands seemed disconnected and uncaring.
For some reason, this guy seems to me that he is confused, regretful and simply doesn't know what to say. I wonder if this was a case of something getting completely out of hand.
Obviously, it is very strange for a father to take two very young boys camping in such frigid temperatures in such a remote area at an absolutely unimaginable time of day.
Here's my guess...the kids were in bed, mom and dad had a fight, maybe a little pushing and shoving. Mom has a bad fall, dad is scared, can't believe what has just happened and tries to clean up. Did they check his trunk for evidence?
If he didn't have anything to do with it, he should speak up. When the media doesn't have info from the police, they can seriously wreak havoc.
The least he could do is stick around and try to help as much as he can with anyone who is willing to go outthere and search for her, after all, its his wife and mother of his 2 kids. I think he had something to do with her dissapearance, I think he's running away from the questions and all the pointing fingers. He's startig a new life and forcing his kids to start one as well...In my book, he's got guilty written in bold letters across his forehead
Anyone only needs to think about their own loved one (really loved) suddenly missing. Certainly at the least you would stay put with the children & hope, pray they would be found while you yourself were working without much sleep to turn up any evidence, & at the VERY least cooperate with the Police Dept. Does anyone remember the close friend who said he showed up just after returning the rental car with "Red Sunburned" hands? He was repeatedly putting lotion on them. It's everyones guess he brought her out to the desert while the kids slept. (anyone who has children knows that at those ages, you basically pick them up While sleeping & can transport them without much waking) The body was probably not "properly" burried/hidden so of course he went back out there with the rental, probably took his gloves off to drag the body or dig, whatever leaving no DNA on the gloves that would be driving the rental (hands on the steering wheel) ... or something like that! It is horrific, ugly, sinful and truly sad that that beautiful Mom could not get away from the man she called her "Husband".
i feel they shoul check the area that he supposedly took the boys camping and the authorities need to bring him back to salt lake city and court order him to take a pollygraph test
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