Wednesday, February 18, 2009
PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News discovered that the Putnam County Sheriff's Office is investigating Ronald Cummings' girlfriend, who claimed that she was at home and sleeping when Haleigh Cummings was taken. But a tip puts the spot light on the 17-year-old girlfriend.
The most recent information investigators got was that Ronald Cummings' girlfriend, Misty Croslin, may not have been home when Haleigh disappeared from her Satusum house early last week.
The Putnam County Sheriff's Office said its dealing with more than 1,200 tips in the case and plans to pursue each and every one of them.
"We will take any lead, any place, anytime," said Dominick Pape of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
On CNN, Tuesday night, Haleighs paternal grandmother, Terese Neves, spoke out in support of the 17-year-old's story.
"I believe someone went into the house and took her. I believe they either know my grandchildren and my family or Haleigh's mother's family," said Neves.
Sheriff's deputies also said they have the pink shirt that Haleigh was thought to be wearing when she disappeared.
"What we now need people to focus on is this face because we do not know at this time what the clothing was at this point," said Pape.
The massive search for Haleigh was scaled back this week. Deputies do not want to say too much in fear of jeopardizing the investigation, but confirmed they set up a road block this week and interviewed at least 300 neighbors in the area.
"We've got a life of a 5-year-old girl at stake," he said.
Another prayer vigil was held Tuesday night, at the Dunns Creek Baptist Church in Putnam County.
Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings and the little girl's mother, Crystal Sheffield sat side by side while the community came together to comfort them.
"I care for the people even though I don't know them," said one neighbor.
Why is this seventeen year old with this guy. Where is her parents.
He should be locked up , she had to be sixteen when he started fooling around with her.
Yes, I understand the little girl is missing, but he should be investigated as well sleeping with a minor.
Come on America look at what's happening here. "YOUNG GIRLS BEING "PERMISCIOUS" and you lock the men up and make them "sex Offenders" Where are the morales. Everything is sex related. This girl should be somewhere in school continuing her education not sleeping with some twenty five- twenty six year old man.
You have a child watching a child while he;s at work ,this is the most bizarre mess I've ever heard of.
He or she can't even look at the damn camera straight.
This is PHONY
she probably has a BOY closer to her own age that she sneaks off and sees while the other MAN is at work. haleigh's dad may only be a "place to live" for her. maybe haleigh even saw something she was not suppose to see??? like the other guy kissing her dads GF...or worse. 5 year olds tell everything.......
Why has the father of Haleigh not been arrested for having sex with a minor? Florida law states the following.
794.05 Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors.--
(1) A person 24 years of age or older who engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another; however, sexual activity does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose.
Great blog name
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