ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando)
The mother of a missing toddler, who authorities have called a person of interest in the girl's disappearance, was arrested a third time Monday on new theft charges.
Also Monday the Department of Children and Family Services said they are investigating an incident between the grandmother of the missing toddler and a protestor over the weekend that resulted in a small boy being injured.
Orange County sheriff's deputies took Casey Anthony, 22, into custody as she visited the jail to meet with her case manager about other charges. Her daughter, 3-year-old Caylee, was reported missing in July, about a month after the girl was last seen.
...Monday marked the third time she was handcuffed and booked on far less significant charges. In fact, the three additional counts recommended by sheriff's deputies were identical to several others for which Anthony had already posted bail.
According to the Orange County Jail inmate database, she is charged with uttering a forged check, fraudulent use of identification and petit theft of $100 or more. The bond amount for all charges totals $1,250.
Anthony's spokesman accused investigators of grandstanding with the arrest."It is like addicts going through withdrawal," spokesman Todd Black said in a statement. "When things start calming down a little, the authorities inject another media fix, instead of conducting themselves professionally and taking care of whatever charges they have at the same time."
The sheriff's office said it expected Anthony to remain jailed at least until a hearing scheduled Tuesday.
Prosecutors have formally charged Anthony with child neglect, making false statements to investigators and ten counts of theft, for allegedly buying goods with a friend's stolen checkbook.
The Monday charges involved the same alleged theft from the same victim.
No ruling on injunction to control protesters
In an effort to control protesters and gawking tourists,the Anthony's neighbors are seeking a judge's order to keep groups of protesters, supporters and media away from their homes. Sheriff's deputies have been called several times to break up confrontations in what the complaint alleged was an "angry mob.
"The area had been the staging ground for countless camera crews and live national television spots for weeks, but began to draw others -- even tourists -- at the end of August, when Anthony was first freed on an unusually high $500,000 bail.
The crowds have intensified in the intervening weeks, according to the homeowners' association's complaint, disrupting the sleep, traffic, peace and safety of the area.
An injunction was filed by the Chickasaw Oaks Phase III Homeowners Association, Inc. last week after countless protesters and gawking tourists stood outside the home of Casey Anthony. Some protesters came dressed as Halloween characters, while others brought their children, shouting at the home and demanding to know where missing 3-year-old Caylee is.
A spokeswoman for the Ninth Judicial Circuit said no immediate ruling on the complaint was expected Monday... Screaming protesters have become a common sight in front of George and Cindy Anthony's house. Over the weekend, heated words were exchanged between Cindy and one protester, which almost led to a physical altercation.
VIDEO: Part Two -- Confrontation at Anthony home
VIDEO: Part Three -- Confrontation at Anthony home
VIDEO: Part Four -- Confrontation at Anthony home
VIDEO: Part Five -- Confrontation at Anthony home
When Cindy A approached the SUV, the unidentified woman, who was screaming back at Anthony can be seen being pushed my a man into the open back door, closing it on the arm of her son. The boy was ignored while he rolled on the pavement in pain as his mother proceeded to spew profanity at Cindy. Then he's seen being almost tossed into the back seat of the SUV, still with no acknowledgement of his injury. Earlier in the incident the boy had joined the woman in shouting at Cindy Anthony.
On Monday afternoon, the Department of Children and Family services said they were investigating the incident after several viewers called the DCF tipline. DCF indentified the boy as a ‘protesters child’.
In the statement DCF said the video captures a young child shouting inflammatory and confrontational statements with his mother at an adult resident of the home. “Based on reported information,” the statement said. “The Department identified the family and is taking all appropriate investigative steps to assess the child’s injuries and the circumstances surrounding the situation.”
Events in the Caylee Anthony Case on September 15:12:45: Casey Anthony left home. 1:00 pm (approx.) Arrived at the jail.1:40 Accompanied by her attorney Jose Baez, Casey Anthony turns herself in to face more economic fraud charges.
Casey Anthony faces judge on new charges
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- Casey Anthony, mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee Anthony, appeared in front of an Initial Appearance Judge Tuesday morning on three new charges unrelated to the disappearance of her missing daughter. The appearance occurred shortly after 9 a.m. and lasted about a minute.
Casey was charged with uttering a forged check, fraudulent use of personal identification and petit theft. The charges were filed by Casey's friend, Amy Huizenga, who told police that Casey borrowed her car while she was in Puerto Rico and cleared out her bank account by using checks she accidentally left in the car.
Police obtained surveillance video that captures Casey using Huizenga's checks at Target and Bank of America. Huizenga alleges that Casey stole approximately $700 from her bank account.
According to the jail, the Court Administrative Order required she be held in custody until her appearance which happened shortly after 9 a.m. Tuesday.
During her court appearance, a judge reviewed the probable cause of the charges and determined the bond amounts and any new conditions that may apply to the new charges.
The bond amounts for the new charges total $1,250, and Casey could be re-released if her bond is authorized and posted. She will still be required to have Home Confinement Electronic Monitoring.
According to the jail, the earliest Casey could be released from jail would be late Tuesday afternoon due to paperwork processing. Casey is currently behind held in Protective Custody Level One which prevents her from making contact with other inmates. She is being held in the women’s detention center in a cell by herself.
Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, says he plans to have her out of jail in the next 24 hours.
Investigators plan trip to CaliforniaFOX 35's Executive Producer Nicole Wolfe spoke with Leonard Padilla Tuesday morning. He is the celebrity bounty hunter that helped post Casey's $500,000 bond when she was initially arrested.
Padilla says investigators from the Orange County Sheriff's Office will fly to California to speak with him and his associates about their time spent with Casey while she was at home.
Specifically, Padilla says they will probably be interested in the story Casey told him about Caylee's mysterious babysitter, Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. "She told us that she had gone to J. Blanchard Park and that Zenaida had taken the baby away from her and that Zenaida and her sister drove off in a silver 2008 Ford Focus model," Padilla said.
Padilla says Casey added that Zenaida gave her a list of things to tell police for the next 30 days and scripted a statement for her."I don't believe any of it," Padilla said.
Casey told investigators in a sworn statement that the last time she saw her daughter was when she dropped her off at the steps leading to Zenaida's apartment.
Police determined that the apartment had been vacant for months and that no one with the babysitter's name had ever leased in the apartment complex.
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