Anne Pressly has had more job titles than she can count at KATV, but the one she loves most is Reporter. In her years at Channel Seven, Anne has covered everything from former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee’s run for the White House to Toad Suck Daze in Conway. She has traveled to farthest corners of the Natural State, and has interviewed such notables as Bill Clinton, Maya Angelou, and Alberto Gonzalez.
One of her most memorable interviews happened by chance. On the return trip from a news story in Humphrey, Arkansas, the highway was blocked in front of waterfowl outfitter Mack’s Prairie Wings in Stuttgart. Turns out, Vice President Dick Cheney was inside shopping. He allowed Anne to interview him while he was on the ammo aisle. Cheney told Channel Seven he loves Arkansas. Not as much as Anne does.
A native of Greenville, South Carolina, Anne moved to Little Rock with her family while in high school. It was during college that she first worked at Channel Seven. After being passed over by KATV for a Production Assistant job in favor of someone with actual television experience, Channel Seven hired Anne as a temporary News Secretary and Archivist the summer after her Sophomore year. (Anne secretly believes the station must have been pretty desperate to fill this position. At the time, her primary selling point was that she could start immediately.) The following winter break, the station needed a Production Assistant, so Anne filled-in. (She had some experience under her belt by now!) Anne was also able to earn some college credit hours by field producing for the station during her Junior and Senior years.
After earning her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Rhodes College in Memphis, Anne was hired as a full-time producer and part-time reporter at Channel Seven in May 2004, producing “Good Morning Arkansas” and reporting for “MidDay Arkansas” and “Saturday Daybreak.” Anne was promoted to full-time General Assignment Reporter in November 2004.
When she’s not working, you can find Anne trying out new restaurants all over the state, attempting gardening, and walking her Cocker Spaniels, Clementine and Daisy. Soon, you’ll be able to catch her on the Silver Screen. Another chance encounter while on a story--this one, with a casting director--helped Anne land a small role in Oliver Stone’s film “W.”
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