The Prairie Chicken
June 8, 2010
This from Isabel Guerra, reporter
Joran van de Sloot's confession may be a strategy to lighten his sentence for murdering Stephany Flores, says criminal defense attorney Mario Amoretti. In opinion of Amoretti, van der Sloot may be trying to convince the authorities that he had not planned to murder Flores, but did it because of an emotional overreaction, because he got mad at her when he found her searching for his background. In this scenario, he could be sentenced to six years of imprisonment, and could apply for benefits and be released in three years for good conduct.
However, if prosecution can prove that the crime was premeditated, his sentence could range between 15 and 35 years. That's why it is very important to verify and check facts with the casino, to find out exactly how much money did each one won and lost that night...
According to Peruvian newspaper La Republica, Van der Sloot told police: "I did not want to do it. The girl intruded into my private life. She had no right. I went to her and I hit her. She was scared. We argued and she tried to escape. I grabbed her by the neck and I hit her."
Additionally, the correspondent in Colombia of the Netherlands ANP agency, Wies Ubags, confirmed to Peruvian press that Colombia is sending two homocide detectives to interrogate van der Sloot in the disappearance of two young women in the two days before he landed in Lima. These women were patrons of casinos on the nights of their vanishings, and van der Sloot did attend several casinos while his staying in Bogota.
The Columbia of the Netherlands, Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau (ANP) is the largest news agency in the Netherlands.
U.S. prosecutors say $15,000 was transferred to a Dutch bank account in his name on May 10. He arrived in Peru four days later, his visit coinciding with the runup to a June 2-5 Latin America Poker Tour tournament with a $930,000 prize pool.
And just another personal note while listening to Nancy Grace screech at the camera tonight... Joran did not go 'fetch' coffee for Stephany. He had a dead girl in his room and had been up all night. He showered, shaved, changed clothes then had two cups of coffee to wake himself up. He needed to get out of the country. The story that she snooped in his laptop is bullchit.
If he was using the ruse of a computer for sale to get her to his room, as I speculated in my last post, he would need to explain her prints/dna on the computer once the police confiscated it.
Remember how he made sure he was in class the day after Natalee died, so as not to raise suspicion? And remember his stories about how Natalee 'wanted it'--trying to blame the victim?
Joran Van Der Sloot Asks to See His Mother Check out this webpage with lots of stuff re Joran.
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