January 13, 2010
Michael Akins, Inman, Kansas, police chief, has been charged with more than a dozen sex crimes and two counts of battery after he was arrested Tuesday night...
Michael Leland Akins Jr., 38, has been charged in McPherson County District Court with 19 counts that include abusing three girls and one boy under the age of 14. The alleged crimes reportedly occurred between December 2008 and December 2009, Attorney General Steve Six said...
The town's one remaining full-time officer was named acting police chief at a special City Council meeting called this morning, Mayor John O'Brien said...The Police Department has two half-time officers and one part-time officer.
...Six said Akins has been charged with one count of rape, 12 counts of aggravated indecent liberties with a child, two counts of aggravated indecent solicitation of a child, one count of indecent solicitation with a child, two counts of battery and one count of lewd and lascivious behavior.
The preliminary hearing for Akins has been set for 3 p.m. on Jan. 15.
This is a fairly good size police force for a town of 1,200. I'm waiting to hear if these were his children or step-children.
I have known Mike Akins Jr. for over 20 years. I do not believe for one minute that he could be guilty of such accusations. I trust him completely with my own life and that of my children. He is a kind, caring person who would not hurt anyone. When someone is in need, he is the first to help. That is the kind of person he is, not some monster that some would like to think he is. These accusations are simply that…accusations. He has not been proven guilty of anything! Please remember that before jumping on a bandwagon to slander an innocent man.
I personally know Mike and know the details of his situation that the newspapers have not printed. Mike is being falsely accused by his angry, bitter ex step children. I pray that the truth will be revealed and these children will realize how serious it is to mess with a person’s life like this. I understand where people are coming from if they do not know Mike, and are not aware of the details of the situation, but only aware of what the papers have said so far. Mike is an honest guy, who is very dedicated to serving and protecting his community. I am behind Mike all the way.
I have known Mike for many years. I can say that he is a very giving person and has a huge heart for the elderly and disabled. There is no way he would hurt anyone like this. I see so many people have jumped on this bandwagon of guilty until he can prove himself innocent. Well, let me tell you part of the story that the media is not telling. The media would lead you to believe Mike is some sort of pedophile, lurking around town to see which kid he can take advantage of next. The truth is, the ones accusing him are his soon to be ex-step kids. His soon to be ex-wife waited until after the divorce had been filed to bring these accusations…hmm… Why wait so long to accuse, unless the truth is there is nothing to accuse and the anger is just coming out now. Hopefully the main accuser will realize that this is not the way to go, and it is okay to say you lied, people will still love you anyway…
As the days go by, I learn more and more about this situation. I am even more convinced that Mike Akins Jr. is innocent. Mike has been a man of respect and substance for many years. Learning that his x-wife waited 2 weeks after the divorce was filed for the allegations to start from 4 of her 6 children (Mike’s stepchildren). Of course, none of these children want to see their mom hurting or sad about another failed relationship, so they work together to create a story their mom would respond to and punish Mike.
I am here for you as you need anything at all!!!
I have known Mikey since 1984. I believe he is innocent, not because I know him, but because I know his character. The reports on t.v., in the papers, and online, fail to mention that these children are his step-children. They do not tell you the complaint was registered a few days after Mikey filed for divorce from their mother.
There is a lot more to this story than what is being reported.
I happen to know Mike and the situation he is in is tragic. This is a guy who visits nursing homes to get to know the residents when no one else will even visit. I have been there when he has given money to total strangers because he saw they were in need. He stands up for people who cannot stand up for themselves. He will go to bat for anyone he believes in, in a heartbeat and has for me on several occasions. I have known Mike for more than 15 years and there is absolutely no way on earth that he is guilty of these charges. I happen to know the accusers in this situation also and they are going to stick together regardless of the consequences to Mike. The children in this case were Mike's stepchildren and the charges were only filed after HE filed for divorce. His ex-wife works for the county DA on child abuse cases. How can someone work with these tragic cases everyday and not see it going on in her home for over a year? Why does the oldest daughter come up with these charges AFTER her mom and stepdad are in the filing of a divorce? This is a disheartening situation, that someone would go as far as making up this kind of lie to get even with someone else. Mike is 100% innocent and is not the monster he is being made out to be. I pray for all involved and hope that innocence prevails.
This ia a very sad situation. I can't belive that anyone would think that someone as loving and caring, kind and considerate as mike could do such a thing. I also think its very intresting that his x-wife waited until the divorce was final to start accusing him and by the way the accusers are all his step kids.
I will pray for him, guilty or not
cops break the law just watch em
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