Drew Peterson appears on 'Nightline'
January 30, 2009 (WLS) --
January 30, 2009 (WLS) --
Drew Peterson's plans for a fifth trip to the altar appears to have hit a roadblock following an ABC interview.
The former Bolingbrook cop apparently watched ABC's Nightline (Click Here to see the story and video) Thursday night with Christina Raines, 23. Something he said on that program prompted a fight. She packed her bags --and left.
During the show, Peterson told Martin Bashir in the exclusive report that he likes the early romantic stages of each relationship, but eventually lost interest when "there was no excitement in the marriage anymore."
"The women I was involved with would change or wouldn't do anything to keep me happy as man. So the relationships broke down," said Peterson.
"What do you mean?" asked Bashir.
"Oh, romantically. They would get tied up with the kids and so forth and there was no excitement in the marriage," said Peterson. "I'm basically attracted to young, beautiful women with good personalities... That's what I'm attracted to."
Peterson blames the interview for starting a fight with Raines, who he said then accused him of lying and ended the engagement.
ABC News spoke to Raines' father, Ernie Raines, who also took issues with Peterson's "Nightline" interview. He said it was an accurate portrayal of Peterson and says it definitely contributed to his daughter's decision.
"How dare Drew say he will just get tired of my daughter and then move on!" Ernie Raines said. "Who does he think he is? He's nobody!"
On Friday, Ernie Raines called the Bolingbrook Police Department when Peterson would not let him in to get his daughter and her things. Five squad cars responded to his call and helped him remove Raines belongings.
Raines reportedly returned an engagement ring and cell phone. She has moved herself and her children back into an apartment she shared with an ex-boyfriend.
Peterson is the prime suspect in the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, and the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy. On Nightline, Peterson admitted he liked the attention from the media. However, on Friday he called it Drew TV.
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