The Prairie Chicken
July 17, 2011
Shortly after midnight, Casey Anthony was released from custody, having served her time for four counts of lying to the police on July 15 and 16, 2008, in the case of her missing/murdered daughter Caylee three years ago.
While I admit I would like one opportunity to bitch slap her, I accept the judicial system, the jury's decision. Would rather Casey does not move to the prairie, but it is a free country.
A question, though. If it is the State of Florida vs. Casey Anthony, why do all of the jurors have to come from the same county? It would seem that in the case of a
sequestered jury, the prosecution and defense would both benefit from a state wide draw giving the attorneys more to choose from (meaning no disrespect to the Anthony jury, I'm just sayin'...) more costly I suppose.
Numerous news stations have covered Anthony's release from jail this morning. Obviously most, if not all, of them must have expected a guilty verdict and then sentencing, then a follow-up to prison, and on and on, because that little 2 minute clip has been played and replayed all day long. Good movie day. Now the big question is where did she go? Is she holed up at Chaney Mason's house? At a hotel in Orlando? Did she make the plane to Ohio?
It was reported last week that Zenaida Gonzalez was issuing a civil suit against her and intended to have it served to her prior to leaving jail. Tim Miller with Equusearch is also filing suit to seek reimbursement of 112k that his organization spent searching for little Caylee, when according to Casey's own attorney, Casey knew Caylee was already dead. Leonard Padilla is suing for something, probably reimbursement for what he spent bailing her out of jail, providing round-the-clock security for her. Along with that, the IRS wants 78k to pay the income tax on the 225,000k she received for "licensing photo's" of Caylee. Jose took the money as payment. Not looking out too well for his client in
that sense, huh?
It was said by one of the talking heads that Casey now wants to be a paralegal. It immediately made me thing of what Jesse Grund said about Casey--that she would try to morph herself into what ever was going on around her, that while not particularly religious, she participated in church and prayer meetings with his family, and suddenly she was a fan of his football team. She's had no one but attorneys to talk to for three years so now she wants to be involved in law. Of course, she'll have to get that GED before she can start school for that. Maybe she can work out something where she's just an imaginary paralegal.
So Casey Anthony has a future after all. Only time will tell if it is a good one. I can't see a reality show in her future, since even Jerry Springer and Vivid Entertainment (XXX rated stuff) pulled their offers. How about the next Survivor series? Hopefully she will just fade away, never to be heard from again. For narcissists like herself that would be the worst punishment of all. To simply be ignored.